Aura healing is also known as spiritual healing, energy healing, or psychic healing. Aura field healings are an excellent way to release blocks and unwanted energies, and get your own energy flowing, so you can heal.
Spiritual healing works from the perspective, heal spirit and spirit heals the body. Rather than focusing on body levels, aura healings focus on your spiritual energy system: your aura, energy channels, chakras, etc.
Many physical problems have their root cause on an energy level. In other words, physical problems can be a symptom of energetic, emotional, psychic, or spiritual issues. Rather than focussing on the body symptom, spiritual healing can work with problems at their energetic root cause.
Aura healing also works from the perspective, all healing is self healing. Certainly, a healer can support you in getting grounded, being more present, releasing blocks and creating more flow of your own energy. But they cannot do it for you. You need to be a willing participant.
As spirit, you are in charge of the healing. It is up to you how much you release from your space. If you don't want to let something go, no one can force you to. In the end, it is the flow of your own energy which creates healing. So a healer can support you, but you are in charge of your own healing process...